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Javascript - From Beginner to Pro-Build real world JS apps

Javascript - From Beginner to Pro-Build real world JS apps
Javascript - From Beginner to Pro-Build real world JS apps, Master JavaScript with the most complete JavaScript course on market! 1st step to learn JS - React, Angular or Vue JS


What you'll learn
  • You will go all the way from JavaScript beginner to advanced JavaScript developer.
  • You will gain a deep and true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes.
  • You will be able to debug your code and understand other developer's code.
  • You will understand and use complex features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototype, inheritance, first-class functions, closures, and more.
  • You will learn how to organize and structure your code using modules and functions. Because coding is not just writing code, it's also thinking about your code!
  • Take the w3 Schools, Upwork or Freelancer Javascript certification

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