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Angular Core Deep Dive - Beginner to Advanced (Angular 16)

Angular Core Deep Dive (with FREE E-Book)
Angular Core Deep Dive - Beginner to Advanced (Angular 16), Updated to Angular 16: Learn Angular Core in Depth - from Beginner to Advanced


What you'll learn
  • Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
  • Understand key questions about Angular: Why Angular, what are the benefits?
  • Know how to build and style your own custom Angular Components
  • Learn in detail all the functionality available in Core Directives
  • Feel comfortable with Intermediate topics like Template Querying, Content Projection, Dynamic Templates and more
  • Have in-depth knowledge how to build custom Attribute and Structural Directives
  • Feel comfortable with Advanced topics like View Encapsulation, Change Detection, Dependency Injection, Lifecycle Hooks and more
  • Learn in detail about custom Modules, custom Pipes and Internationalization (i18n)
  • Learn all about Angular Elements (Advanced)

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